目前分類:結緣 (49)

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90年上 周必泰 普通化學甲上期中考part C
11.Which reaction does not involve oxidation-reduction?
   a)CH4 + 3O2  2H2O + CO2
   b)Zn + 2HCl  ZnCl2 + H2
   c)2Na + 2H2O  2NaOH + H2
   d)MnO2 + 4HCl  Cl2 + 2H2O + MnCl2
   e)All are osidation-reduction reactions
12.The father of modern chemistry
   a)Joseph Priestley
   b)Antoine Lavoisier
   c)John Dalton
   d)Louis Gay-Lussac
   e)Amedeo Avogadro
13.Which of the following is NOT the correct chemical formula for the compound
   a)hydrocyanic acid    HCN
   b)calcium sulfate     CaSO4
   c)beryllium oxide     BeO
   d)nickel(II) peroxide Ni2O
   e)ammonium chromate   (NH4)2CrO4
14,Which of the following statements is true?
   a)The oxidation number for H in LiAlH4 is -1
   b)The oxidation number of N in NO3 - is greater than that of S in SF6
   c)The relative ability of atoms to attract shared electron is on the order
     of F>O>N~Cl
   d)(Effusion rate for gas 1/Effusion rate for gas 2)=(M1/M2)
   e)None of the above
15.The kinetic molecular theory of gases does NOT assume that
   a)gases are made up of tiny particles in chaotic motion
   b)gas particles are very small compared to the average distance berween the
   c)gas particles collide with the walls of their container in elastic
   d)The average velocity of gas particles is directly proportional to the
     absolute temperature
   e)The particles are assumed to exert no forces on each other
16.A sample of a xenon fluoride contains molecules of the form XeFn, where n
   is some whole number,  If 9.03×10^20 molecules of XeFn weigh 0.311g ,
   calculate n. (atomic mass,Xe=131, F=19)
   d)none of these
17.Which of the experiments listed below did NOT provide the information
   stated about the nature of the atom?
   a)The Rutherford experiment proved the "plum-pudding" model of the atom was
      essentially correct.
   b)The Rutherford experiment proved the charge on the nucleus
   c)Millikan's oil-drop experiment showed that the charge on any particle was
      a simple multiple of the charge on the electron
   d)The electron discharge tube proved that electrons have a negative charge.
18.Caffeine consists of carbon hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen.  When 0.1920g
   of caffeine is burned in an excess of oxygen, 0.3482g of cargon dioxide and
     0.0891g water are formed.  Caffeine is 28.84% nitrogen by mass.  Its molar
    mass is between 190 and 200 g /mol.  What is formula for caffeine?
   e)none of these
19.Which of the following statements about atomic structure is FALSE?
   a)The electrons occupy a very large volume compared to the nucleus
   b)Almost all of the mass of the atom is concentrated in the nucleus
   c)The protons and neutrons in the nucleus are very tightly packed
   d)The number of protons and neutrons is always the same in a neutral atom.
20.Which of the following statements is true?
   I.The number of protons is the same for all neutral atoms of an element
   II.The number of electrons is the same for all neutral atoms of an element
   III.The number of neutrons is the same for all neutral atoms of an element
   a)I,II,III, b)I,II, c)II,III, d)I,III
Ans:c a ae e a dabda ebdad caddb

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90年上 周必泰 普通化學甲上期中考part B

B-4 單選題 (3%*20=60%)
1.The empirical formula of sugar is CH2O and its molar mass is 180.2g /mole. If
   one teaspoom of sugar weighs 3.50grams, how many moles and molecules of
  sugar are present?
  a)0.117moles, 7.03×10^22molecules
  b)0.0194moles, 3.24×10^26molecules
  c)0.0194moles, 1.17×10^22molecules
  d)0.0583moles, 3.51×10^22molecules
  e)0.0295moles, 1.78×10^22molecules
2.A solution contains the ions Ag+, Pb2+, and Ni2+.  Dilute solutions of NaCl,
   Na2SO4,and Na2S are available to separate the positive ions from each other
  .  To separate the ions, in which order should the solytions be added?
  a)Na2SO4, NaCl, Na2S
  b)Na2SO4, Na2S, NaCl
  c)Na2S, NaCl, Na2SO4
  d)NaCl, Na2S, Na2SO4
  e)NaCl, Na2SO4, Na2S
3.Which of the following statements is true for ideal gases?
  a)The temperature of the gas sample is directly related to the average
    velocity of the gas particles.
  b)At STP, 1.0L of Ar(g) contains about twice the number of atoms as 1.0L of
    Ne(g) because the molar mass of Ar is about twice that of Ne.
  c)A gas exerts pressure because its molecules collide with the walls of the
    container to release the energy.
  d)The gas particles in a sample attract each other.
  e)None of the above.
4.Which element does not belong to the family or classification indicated?
  a)Br, halogen
  b)He, noble gas
  c)Fe, transition metal
  d)K, alkali metal
  e)Se, Lanthanide
5.Identify the strongest base.
  e)NO3 -
6.Iron(II) sulfate reacts with potassium hydroxide in aqueous solution to form
   a precipitate.  What is the net ionic equation for this reaction?
  a)Fe2+(aq) + SO4 2-(aq)  FeSO2(s)
  b)2K+(aq) + SO4 2-(aq)  K2SO4(s)
  c)2Fe3+(aq) + 3SO4 2-(aq)  Fe2(SO4)3(s)
  d)Fe2+(aq) + 2OH-(aq)  Fe(OH)2(s)
  e)K+(aq) + Fe2+(aq)  Fe3+(aq)
7.According to the equation 2KClO3(s)  2KCl(s) + O2(g)
  3.00-g sample of KClO3 decomposes and the oxygen at 24.0C and 0.982atm is
  collected.  What volume of oxygen gas will be collected, assuming 100% yield
  ?  Atomic mass, K:39, Cl:35
  e)none of these
8.An aqueous solution of barium nitrate reacts with an aqueous solution of
  sodium sulfate.  Identify the solid and indicate its coefficient in the
  balanced equation.
  a)NaNO3, 1
  b)BaSO4, 1
  c)NaNO3, 2
  d)BaSO2, 2
  e)None of these
9.The Claus reactions, shown below, are used to generate elemental sulfur from
   hydrogen sulfide.  (atomic mass:S=32)
  H2S + O2  SO2 + H2O (unbalanced)
  SO2 + H2S   S + H2O (unbalanced)
  How much sulfur(in grams) is produced from 48.0grams of O2?
  a) 16.0g , b) 32.1g , c) 48.1g , d) 96.2g , e)none of those
10.Which of the following is true?
     18      19
   a)  O and   F have the same number of neutrons.
      8       9
     14      14
   b)  C and   N are isotopes of each other because their mass numbers are the
      6       7
     18 2-                                      20
   c)  O   has different number of electrons as   Ne.
      8                                         10
   d)The radius of a nucleus is ~ 10^ -8 cm
   e)None of the above


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90年上 周必泰 普通化學甲上期中考part A

Total:200% 3小時
A.Questions and definitions (140%)
1.Write down the full name of the following elements, compounds or apparatus
  a.Cs, b.KMnO4, c.NaHCO3, d.Cr2O7 2-, e.Fe(NO3)3, f. KBrO3, g.GaN, H.H2SO3,
  i.H3PO4, j.HNO2, k.量筒, l.有刻度之滴定管, m.拋棄式滴管, n.洗瓶, o.定容積三
  角錐形燒瓶.                                                     (2%*15=30%)
2.Write down both symbol and full name of the a.Noble gases, b.Alkaline earth
  metal families.                                                  (5%*2=10%)
3.Write down both symbol and full name of the transition metals from atomic
  number 21 to 30.                                                      (20%)
4.For the van-der Waals equation of the real gas Pobs = nRT/(V-nb) - a(n/V)^2
  a.For the following gases, which has the largest a value, and which has the
    smallest value of b, explain
    He,Ar,CH4,NH3                                                        (3%)
  b.At higher pressure such as >1000 atm pressure calculated from the van-der
    Walls equation shows significant deviation from the observed one.  Give a
    reasonable explanation.                                              (7%)
5.Balance the following reactions
  a.Ag(s) + CN-(aq) + O2(g)  Ag(CN)2 -(aq) (in basic condition)
  b.CH3OH(aq) + Cr2O7 2-(aq)  CH2O(aq) + Cr3+(aq) (in acidic condition)
6.The distribution of velocities of the particles in an ideal gas is described
   by the Maxwell Boltzman distribution law
  f(u) = 4π(m/(2π kB T))^(3/2) *(u^2)*(e^(-m u^2/2 kB T))
  where u=velocity in m/s
        m=mass of a gas particle in kg
        kB=Boltzman's constant=1.38*10^-23
        T=temperature in Kelvin
  Derive the most probable velocity ump (need a detailed derivation)    (10%)
7.For an ideal gas the mean free path λ can be expressed as
  λ = 1/(2(N/V)(π d^2))
  where d is the diameter of the gas particle.  Assumung the gas possesses a
  root mean square velocity, calculate the collision frequency in a sample of
  helium gas with a volume of 5.0L at 27C and 3.0atm.  The diameter of a
  helium atom is 50pm., atomic mass=4                                   (15%)
8.A sample is a mixture of KCl and KBr.  When 0.1024g of the sample is
  dissolved in water and reacted with excess silver nitrate, 0.1889g of solid
  is obtained.  What is the composition by mass percent of the mixture?
  (atomic mass:K:39, Cl:35, Br:80, Ag=108)                              (15%)
9.Vitamin A has a molar mass of 286.4g and has a general molecular formula of
  CxHyE, where E is an unknown element.  If Vitamin A is 83.86% C and 10.56% H
   by mass, what is the molecular formula of Vitamin A?                 (10%)
10.The plot of PV/nRT versus P for gases N2, CH4, CO2 and H2 (200K) is shown
   below.  Assign each curve to the corresponding gas(Explanation required)


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[生物] 清大92學年度生物期末考題
  (1) Multiple alleles (2) Pleiotropy (3) Epistatis (4) Phenotype
  (5) Genotype
3.在胎兒未出生前,即可對他做遺傳缺陷的檢驗,通常用兩個方法, Aminocentesis
   Chorionic villus sampling,請詳細說明其原理及步驟.
5.請敘述及繪圖說明 DNA replicaiton 的詳細過程,並說明參與分子的特色.
6.以下五種生物被稱為發育生物學的  Model organisms:
  Danio rerio, Caenorhabditis elegans, Drosophila melanogaster,
  Arabidopsis thaliana  Mus musculus,請分別寫出其中文名字及簡述其特點.
7.請以果蠅為例,說明 Maternal effect genes  Homeotic genes的特色.
8.請深入討論 "Natural selection maintains sexual reproduction"這句話的涵義.
9.You are planning to study a gene that codes for an immuno-regulatory
  protein in mouse. You know the amino acid sequence of the protein.
  Explain how you may
  (1)identify the gene expressed in a specific type of white blood cells
  (2)identify the gene for the regulatory peptide,
  (3)produce multiple copies of the gene for stude, and
  (4)produce a quantity of regulatory protein for evaluation as a potential
10.The following is a messenger RNA (mRNA) you have identified in E. coli
   responding to a stimulatory treatment.
   (1)Put down the sequence of the gene (dsDNA) that codes for this RNA,
      and label
      (a)The 5' and 3' ends
      (b)The positive and negative strand
      (c)The sense and antisense strand
      (d)The "template" strand
   (2)What is the amino acid sequence?
11.Although the basic transcrtption and traslation processes in procaryotic
   and eucaryotic cells are similar, there are major differences,
   especially in the regulatory aspects(蛋白質表現之調控有重大的差異).
   Please compare the similarities and differences of these two processes
   in procaryotes and eucaryotes.


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[生物] 清大2003期中考
   blocks);(3)就你所知,人體不能自行製造且必須在食物中攝取的"building blocks"
   方式(反應)的名稱(提示:x,y,z phosphorylation)並簡單說明之.(2)上述其中兩種
   都經由chemiosmosis的機制,由一個酵素(enzyme or enzyme complex)進行ATP的合
   成反應,請說明此enzyme complex的名稱及其作用機制(如何合成STP?).
   有名詞:substrate (or reactant/products), active site, allosteric
   regulation (and/or feed-back regulation), activation energy,...etc.
.(1)What is the resolving power of the light microscope?
   (2)How do cell biologists isolate organelles?
   (3)Why a cell cannot be too big?
   (4)Name one organelle in plant cells which does not exist in animal cells.
   (5)Name one function of nucleous.
   (6)Explain how dynein "walking" moves cilia and flagella.
   (7)Name one type of intercellular junction in animals.
   (8)Name two functions of membrane proteins.
   (9)What is "osmosis" ?
   (10)Explain the mechanism of the sodium-potassium pump.
.生物細胞膜表面有三類主要的Cell signaling receptors,請分別敘述其特色.
 (1)請敘述細胞如何維持其濃度差異;(2)鈣離子如何扮演 Secondary messenger
  角色,其與 Calmodulin 有何關係?
.請敘述 Stromatolites  Banded iron formations 的形成原因及其在生命演化


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